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A Recipe for Creating Warmth from Within

Maria Williamson

Connection of Movement and Breath

The winter months can be a tough time for so many of us. And it is especially hard here at the beach, where we're spoiled on sunshine and warmth the majority of the year! The sun doesn't show itself as much (I NEED my vitamin D) and the colder temps are both factors. But the cold wind here is what really gets me! I bundle up and go outside and brave the elements every day to intentionally spend time in the fresh air. No matter how hard that cold, wet wind is blowing! Even so, the time I spend outside is greatly decreased from December-March, and depending on the direction of the wind, sometimes even into April.

The increased time indoors can be difficult for me. The downtime and how the "season" slows down here so drastically can be challenging for me, as well. By the "season," I am referring to the seasonality of the influx of people and activities in our vacation destination area. I know I am not alone in this. I've had a conversation around this very topic way more times than I can count. My students know that one of the reasons that I love to teach is because that it consistently gets me out of the house, especially in winter! Over the past 15 years or so of living in this environment, I have developed coping skills to handle what is, in my opinion, an extreme swing in between seasons. Not just atmospherically, but economically and socially, too.

There is no one cookie cutter path to doing this for oneself.

But I do have a favorite recipe that I want to share with you.

It's a slow cooker recipe. No, not an actual slow cooker recipe, but you get what I'm saying. It's a recipe that you want to blend all the ingredients together and let the flavors mix, and the longer it stews the better it gets. And it's one that you want to eat in the winter months because it warms you up so good!

First ingredient, movement. I get up each day and commit myself to some sort of physical activity for myself. Making the connection of that movement to my breathing. Intentionally using the breath and the movements of my body to move energy within and to connect with energy all around. This can be as simple and low key as a walk around the yard and gazing at the sky, parking farther away at the store and walking a couple of the aisles a few extra times or an intentional hour or so of breath work and meditation. Whichever activity that I do for the day, I am intentionally breathing and moving my body. I etch out time into my daily schedule to include some sort of physical fitness, breath work and meditation. Whether that is teaching one of my classes, or taking one myself, going on a walk or spending time in the gym. Including varying levels of physical activity, cardio-respiratory movement, strengthening, flexibility, balance and more. I am sure to include intentional movement into my routine, as best as I can.

But why? Not to loose weight or to get stronger. Sure, those are valid goals, but my goal is to keep my body and it's energy flowing and moving. To appreciate and to be grateful for this body and it's ability to move. To make the connection of my mind and it's well being, to the way I breathe and move my body. I am moving to live and experience joy! The joy I find in movement is that the movement is possible. This key ingredient, experiencing joy in breathing and moving my body is the first and most important ingredient in my recipe to creating the warmth from within. The heart is ticking, blood and oxygen gets flowing circulating what the body needs and releasing what it doesn't, the muscles and joints warm up, the brain is activated and there you have it, I'm all warm and toasty!

This recipe is one to savor and to share with friends. And just like creating your favorite stew, cake (my personal fave) or whatever it is you like to cook, the flavors must be balanced. Even the most subtle of ingredients can change the entire outcome. And that's not always a bad thing! Playing around with the recipes can be fun!

Next ingredient...stillness. Remember that whole balance thing? And it's safe to say that movement or stillness probably comes naturally to you and the other can be a challenge. Movement is my old friend and stillness and I are just starting to get to know each other better. YEARS into our relationship and I feel like I'm just really get to know her. And you know what? I really like her. She's taught my how to savor this recipe. But I'll save that step for the next post.


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